Course curriculum

  • 1
    Welcome & Acknowledgement
    • Acknowledgement
    • Welcome to the Implementation Series!
  • 2
    Update to the Switch Progression Road Map (SPRM)
    • The Background
    • The Big Picture
    • Knowledge Integration
    • Update to the SPRM Quiz
  • 3
    Introduction to Level 0 & 1
    • L0 & 1: Course Objectives
    • L0: Setting Up for Success: Recap of Assessment
  • 4
    Implementing Level 0: Setting Up for Success
    • L0: Setting Up for Success: Implementation
    • Implementation Documentation Methods
    • Level 0: Setting Up for Success: Quiz
  • 5
    Implementing Level 1: Cause & Effect
    • L1: Cause & Effect: Recap of Assessment
    • 1a: Press & Hold/ Direct: Implementation
    • 1b: Press & Let Go/ Timed: Implementation
    • 1c: Press It Again/ Latched: Implementation
    • Level 1: Cause & Effect: Quiz
  • 6
    Wrap-Up and Resources
    • Implementation Recap
    • Resources
    • Course evaluation