Course curriculum

  • 1
    • Acknowledgement
    • Switch Skills Progression Series Overview
    • Introduction and Objectives
    • L5 Recap and Level 6 Steps
  • 2
    Level 6: Choice Making 6a & 6b
    • L6a: Free Choice Description
    • L6a: Free Choice: Aunt Maggie's Recipes
    • L6b: Find the Object Description
    • L6b: Find the Object: Lesson 6 Step Scanning
    • L6b: Find the Object: Lesson 7 Step Scanning
  • 3
    Level 6: Choice Making 6c & 6d
    • L6c: Complete the Set Description
    • L6c: Complete the Set: Racing Cars
    • L6c: Complete the Set: Switch Accessible Matching
    • 6b vs 6c: What's the difference?
    • L6d: Create a Scene Description
    • L6d: Create a Scene: Racing Cars
  • 4
    Level 6: Choice Making 6e & Final Checks
    • L6e: Exploration Description
    • L6e: Exploration: Treasure Island
    • L6e: Exploration: Memory Pairs
    • 6c vs 6d vs 6e: What's the difference?
    • L6: Final Checks Description
    • L6: Final Checks: Choose It Maker
    • L6: Final Check: Example AAC
  • 5
    Wrap Up & Resources
    • L6 Recap
    • Wrap Up and Resources
    • End of Course Survey